Löysin aivan mahtavan koosteen näistä ihanaakin ihanimmista lyhenteistä, amerikkalaiselta keskustelupalstalta. Sain niin hyvät naurut! Eikun sieltä nappaamaan parhaimmat omaan "sanavarastoon"! :D
Enää ei pelkkä DPO riitäkään!
Osa näistä olikin jo tuttuja, mutta kylläpä ovat jenkit keksineet oivat lyhenteet. Pitäs ottaa täällä mallia!
Loppuosassa erityisesti meitä kiinnostavia lyhenteitä.... Mun lemppari oli Baby Dance... ;)
Personal Reference
BF: boyfriend
BFF: best friends forever
BIL: brother-in-law
DB: darling boyfriend
DD: darling daughter
DF: darling fiancé
DH: darling husband (or darn, depending on the mood)
DS: darling son
FIL: father-in-law
GF: girlfriend
MIL: mother-in-law
SAHM: stay-at-home mom
SIL: sister-in-law
SO: significant other
STBX: soon-to-be ex
WAHM: work-at-home mom
General Netspeak
AFK: away from keyboard
BRB: be right back
BTW: by the way
CYE: check your e-mail
F2F: face-to-face
GMTA: great minds think alike
HTH: hope that helps
IMHO: in my humble opinion
IMNSHO: in my not-so-humble opinion
IMO: in my opinion
ITA: I totally agree
JK: just kidding
LMAO: laughing my a** off
LOL: laughing out loud
OMG: oh my gosh
NP: no problem
ROFL: rolling on the floor laughing
TIA: thanks in advance
TPTB: the powers that be
TTFN: ta-ta for now
TTYL: talk to you later
TY: thank you
YW: you're welcome
TTC (Trying to Conceive) / Pregnancy
2ww or TWW: two week wait (luteal phase, 14 days after ovulation)
AF: Aunt Flo (menstruation, period)
AH: assisted hatching
ASYLUM: TTC asylum. Need to check in?
BBT: basal body temperature
BD: baby dance (sex)
BDP: baby dancing partner
BF: breastfeeding
BM: breast milk or bowel movement
BFN: big fat negative (pregnancy test result)
BFP: big fat positive (pregnancy test result)
CB: cycle buddy (same cycle day as you!)
CD: cycle day
CL: corpus luteum
CM: cervical mucus
CP: cervical position
DPO: days past ovulation
DTD: doing the dance (BD, sex)
DUST: alumnae sprinkle PG Dust~*~*~*~ on TTCers
EC: embryo cryo/freezing
EDD: estimated due date
EPO: evening primrose oil
ER: egg retrieval
ET: egg transfer (can be used as 5DPET, to mean 5 days past egg transfer)
EWCM: egg-white cervical mucus
hCG: human chorionic gonadotropin (detected in home pregnancy tests )
H&H: happy and healthy
HPT: home pregnancy test
HSG: hysterosalpingogram (X-ray test)
ICSI: intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection (microfertilization)
IPP: Infertility Protection Project
IUI: intrauterine insemination
IVF: in vitro fertilization
LH: luteinizing hormone (detected in ovulation predictor kits)
LP: luteal phase, days between OV and AF
MC: miscarriage
O or OV: ovulation
OPK: ovulation predictor kit
OT or Train: obsession train.
PG: pregnancy, pregnant
PNV: prenatal vitamin
POAS: pee on a stick (home pregnancy test)
RE: reproductive endocrinologist (doctor who specializes in fertility problems)
ROBI: Robitussin or guaifenesin syrup (expectorant) used to thin cervical mucus
SA: semen analysis
SOD: sex on demand
TR: tubal reversal
TTC: trying to conceive
VR: vasectomy reversal
YI: yeast infection
Vähän noita yrittämiseen liittyviä lyhenteitä onkin paljon! :D